working smarter, not harder, in 2025


Owning a business is a lot of work — and I’m not just talking about servicing clients.

Budgets, planning and scheduling meetings and travel, ordering supplies, continued professional development, IT issues, managing work flows, understanding contracts and insurance policies, billing, oh my! Just writing this makes me exhausted.

An article in Entrepreneur Magazine hit home as I look for new ways to work smarter in the New Year. The writer offers some new thoughts on how to better manage the business and focus on tasks to allow for more focus, growth and even self-care.

I realized about a year into running my business that I needed help (and so did my fellow Indies who saw me becoming more and more stressed!).

Enter the amazing Janine Heydrick who was referred to me in 2021 as a virtual assistant. She keeps everything (including me!) in order, manages my calendar and makes sure to block time for me to breathe when the going gets tough.

My fellow indies and business owners, how do you manage to do it all?

Do you have someone to help you?

How do you make time for self-care?

Here’s to working smarter, taking time to breathe and remembering to do all the things that bring us growth, wealth and most importantly, happiness!

Check out the magazine article: